Object of the Month



Governor Leverett Saltonstall's guest book, page with von Trapp family's signatures

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[ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

这本漂亮的蓝色皮革装订的书中包含了冯·特拉普家族的签名,用金色装饰,由空白组成, unnumbered p年龄. It bears the inscription "Guest Book/Leverett Saltonstall/Governor.有大约65页记录了1939年3月10日至1944年中期马萨诸塞州议会大厦的客人. 专辑中的签名是纽约舞台演员的折衷组合(当时百老汇戏剧经常在波士顿举行外地预演)。, Hollywood celebrities here to promote movies and careers, political figures (Republicans for the most part, as was the governor), and other visitors from all over the world and all walks of life. 1939年欧洲战争爆发后,特别是1941年美国加入第二次世界大战之后,相册中的名字通常是外国难民(被占领国家的王室和流亡政府)以及来访的外交和军事使团.

在他的回忆录中, 索尔顿斯托尔州长回忆说,他的工作人员把在波士顿上演的新戏剧的明星带到州议会大厦,通过州外宣传来促进联邦的业务. He gave as examples Dorothy Lamour (who signed herself "Dottie"), 简·威瑟斯, and Fred Astaire, 但来自好莱坞的游客数量似乎远远多于来自纽约的游客. The guest book opens a window upon mid-twentieth-century celebrity culture. Was Paul Robeson at the State House at the same time as Miss America, or did they only sign the same page? Bud Abbott came with Lou Costello, 而是桑顿·怀尔德和亚伦·科普兰是一起旅行的还是连续的访客? 在这些页面上, 将德克萨斯州副州长和仰光主教的签名放在一起并不是特别不寻常. When he arrived, was Father Flanagan from Boys Town, 内布拉斯加州的斯宾塞·特雷西已经在电影中扮演了他——一个比亨利·霍珀诺更引人注目的人物, the delegate from the French Committee of National Liberation? og体育平台让这么多舞台和银幕明星来到波士顿,尤其是在战争时期?

Most entries in the guest book are undated autographs, 没有告诉读者这次访问的性质,只有一个大概的日期, although a few guests broke with protocol. 和鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope)一起来的杰里·科隆纳(Jerry Colonna)发表了演讲:“波士顿西区和加州好莱坞.," while Tallulah Bankhead noted that she was from "Everywhere I roam." Boxing champion Joe Louis added a longer note, praising Saltonstall's stance on civil rights: "You do not draw [a] color line,他写道, "I’m with you and you with me."

The fact that the undated autographs of the von Trapp family, who gave concerts in Boston at Jordan Hall in December 1940 and again in January 1941, appear on the same page as the teenage Indian movie star, 萨布, makes it likely that they visited on or soon after 20 December 1940, the day that 萨布's interview with the governor received much press attention, 尽管12月冯·特拉普音乐会的通知上说,最小的孩子没有和家人一起旅行.

Let's start at the very beginning …

Since many people know the von Trapp family only from the play and film, The Sound of Music, it is important to remember that the names, 年龄, 冯·特拉普家的孩子们的出生顺序(以及事件的顺序)在他们的生活被谱成音乐后被改变了. They used the honorific "von" with their name, a title that went back to the service of the children’s paternal grandfather, August von Trapp, in the Austro-Hungarian Navy, 但在美国,他们首先以特拉普家庭合唱团的名义演出,到1940年,他们以特拉普家庭歌手的名义演出.

The eldest seven von Trapp children: Rupert, Agathe, 玛丽亚(女名), 沃纳, 海德薇格, 约翰娜, and Martina had been born between 1911 and 1921, the children of Georg Johannes Ritter von Trapp and his first wife, Agathe Whitehead von Trapp, so by 1940 they were no longer young children, 甚至, except for Martina, 青少年. 冯·特拉普上尉与玛丽亚·库奇拉·冯·特拉普(罗斯玛丽)的第二次婚姻所生的三个孩子, Eleonore, 和约翰内斯, who was born in the United States in 1939) were considerably younger. 牧师. 弗朗茨还, a Catholic priest and family friend from Austria, had accompanied the von Trapps into exile in America. 他担任特拉普家庭歌手的导演和指挥超过二十年.

The von Trapp family in America

When Germany invaded Austria in 1938, 天主教和反纳粹的冯·特拉普一家逃到意大利(乘火车而不是山口),然后来到美国, but only as visiting performers. 尽管特拉普家族合唱团的有趣起源吸引了很多公众的兴趣,每当他们表演, their first musical tour in America was difficult, 1939年,根据美国移民法,他们被迫返回欧洲,在斯堪的纳维亚半岛演出.

1939年10月欧洲战争爆发后不久,冯·特拉普一家回到了美国, but again only on six month visitors' visas, although they were permitted to stay in the United States as refugees. Renamed the Trapp Family Singers, in 1940 they performed more than 100 concerts throughout the states, travelling from city to town in a chartered blue bus.

当冯·特拉普一家参观州议会大厦时,玛丽亚·冯·特拉普把她的地址写为“萨尔茨堡”." More realistically, 也许, Captain von Trapp gave their address as "252 梅里恩 Road, 梅里恩, Pa,一个音乐爱好者在他们不巡演的时候给他们提供了一个避难所. While the von Trapp family is closely associated with Stowe, 佛蒙特州, they did not spend the non-touring part of the year there until the following summer, 或者永久地搬到斯托的农场,他们将其更名为“Cor Unum”(“同心”),并在那里经营一个夏季音乐营,直到1943年. Members of the family still operate the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe.


出现在索尔顿斯托尔留言簿这一页上的另一个签名是(好莱坞的)萨布·达斯塔吉尔的, 加州, 和迈索尔, 印度), a sixteen-year-old film star who was in Boston to promote his new film, The Thief of Bagdad, and to present Governor Saltonstall with a "magic carpet.也许还没有达到他名声的顶峰——第二年,萨布将出现在吉卜林的电影中 《og体育平台》在冯·特拉普家族的歌唱生涯中,他似乎已经超越了他们的名气, at least in the amount of newspaper space devoted to his State House visit.

"Salty": Governor Leverett Saltonstall

Leverett Saltonstall was born in Chestnut Hill (Newton), Massachusetts, in 1892. 索尔顿斯托尔家族是一个定居已久的著名新英格兰家族——莱弗里特是他们家族第十代进入哈佛大学读书的人. 他在第一次世界大战中服役并从事法律工作,直到1920年当选为牛顿市市议会议员,开始了他46年的政治生涯. 在马萨诸塞州立法机构任职后(包括四届众议院议长), he was elected governor for the first of three consecutive terms in 1938. As a politician, 索尔顿斯托尔能够将新英格兰扬基人的正直与广泛的大众吸引力结合起来.

In 1944, 州长索尔顿斯托尔在现任州长之后被选为美国参议院议员,任期四年, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., resigned his seat to rejoin the army. 在1966年从公职退休之前,索尔顿斯托尔在参议院又担任了三届六年任期. At his death in 1979, 参议员索尔顿斯托尔是马萨诸塞州历史学会的成员,已经有38年了.

Further Reading

亚当斯,珍珠. “萨布致索尔顿斯托——这位年轻的印度电影明星送给总督一条来自萨布家乡印度的地毯.” 波士顿环球报, December 21, 1940, p. 4.

Gearin,琼. “电影和. Reality: The Real Story of the von Trapp Family."  Prologue Magazine. Winter 2005, vol. 37, no. 4.

Saltonstall, Leverett. Leverett Saltonstall papers, 1906-1981.

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds a very large collection of 州长和后来的参议员莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔的个人文件和办公室文件

Saltonstall, Leverett. Salty: Recollections of a Yankee in Politics. Boston: The 波士顿环球报, 1976.

特拉普,Agathe. 之前的记忆 & after the Sound of Music: an Autobiography. 富兰克林,田纳西州.: Hillsboro Press, 2003.

Trapp, Georg von. To the Last Salute: Memories of an Austrian U-Boat Commander. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2007.

An English translation of Bis zum Letzen Flaggenschuss.

Trapp, 玛丽亚(女名) Augusta. The Story of the Trapp Family Singers: The Story that Inspired the Sound of Music. New York: Perennial, 2002.

First published Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1949.

Trapp, 玛丽亚(女名) Augusta. Yesterday, Today, and Forever. 哈里森,柜.: New Leaf Press, 1975.

First published Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1952.