

光荣的新闻. 波士顿,星期五,1766年5月16日11点 ... 较宽的一面

光荣的新闻. 波士顿,星期五,1766年5月16日11点 ...

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[项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

一个较宽的一面, 1766年5月16日, 宣布废除《og体育平台》的消息已经传到波士顿.


In March 1765 Parliament imposed a new tax on the American colonies requiring legal forms and documents as well as newspapers and pamphlets to be printed on stamped paper. 印花税法案直到1765年11月1日才生效, 但该法案的消息在整个殖民地遭到了强烈反对. 在波士顿, a ritualistic riot led by the Sons of Liberty took place on 14 August and a more violent mob destroyed the home of Chief Justice Thomas Hutchinson on 26 August. 10月, nine colonies sent representatives to New York to fashion a petition for redress to the King—the Stamp Act Congress.

A change of Parliamentary leadership soon after passage of the Stamp Act and the growing concern of British merchants about the disruption of colonial trade caused by the Act led to renewed debates in Parliament. 在1765年至1766年的冬天,殖民者们等待着听到是否, 面对几乎所有殖民地的抵抗, 议会将采取行动执行或废除该法案. “自由之子”把他们收集到的消息从一个殖民地传播到另一个殖民地, but merchant ships bound for America remained in English ports awaiting the outcome of the debate (and whether cargoes would be subject to the tax).

早在1766年春天,就有og体育平台印花税法案废除的过早报道, but Parliament did not pass legislation until 4 March 1766 (approved by the King two weeks later), and even a very rapid Atlantic crossing (six weeks and two days) did not bring the news to Boston until 16 May. 当时,镇上的人都提心吊耳,因为他们收到了相互矛盾的说法,称“不合理的”, 不公正的, and Unconstitutional Stamp Act" either would be repealed or enforced—reports that sometimes were published in the same issues of weekly Boston newspapers. 当废除的准确报告最终到达时, not just the date but the very hour ("11:00 o’Clock") was recorded in the first public announcement. 波士顿爆发了自发的庆祝活动:

这个城镇现在的欢乐是无法用语言来表达的, 收到以上信息后, 伟大的, 光荣的, 重要消息——所有教堂的钟声立即响起, 我们听说下一周的开始就是普遍欢庆的日子.

"Joy smil'd in every Countenance, 仁, 感恩和满足似乎是所有人的伴侣"

公众的喜悦和宽慰之情传遍了整个殖民地, 但很少有地方的庆祝活动像波士顿那样精心策划. 皇家总督弗朗西斯·伯纳德, 他徒劳地试图重获在危机中失去的声望, immediately ordered guns to be fired and bells to be rung (although they apparently already were ringing). 《og体育平台》和《乡村杂志 for 19 May repeated the news received from England and announced that the Boston Selectmen had declared that 19 May would be given over to public rejoicing. 小哈伯特·多尔., a Boston shopkeeper who was an early and enthusiastic member of the Sons of Liberty and systematically 索引 references to political affairs in the newspapers he 收集, 在他的《og体育平台》副本中提到了42处 5月19日 波士顿公报. 下一期的 公报》 (5月26日)报道说:“每个人脸上都露出了欢乐的笑容, 仁, 感恩和满足似乎是所有人的伴侣," and detailed the celebrations that had taken place in Boston and surrounding towns on 19 May and almost everywhere as the news spread throughout the countryside.


5月19日晚上,波士顿的公共建筑灯火通明. 伯纳德省长在省议会接待客人, 他的官邸, 当爱国领袖, 约翰·汉考克, 在他优雅的豪宅里招待“绅士”来访者, and also provided a fireworks display and a pipe (a 126-gallon cask) of Madeira for the common folk. The celebration was marked by the "utmost Decency and good order" and there was an amnesty for imprisoned debtors paid for by Boston merchants.

废除《og体育平台》的一个纪念碑被证明是暂时的,而不是预期的. 在《og体育官网》的一期中 《og体育平台》和《og体育平台》 1766年5月22日, there is a description of an obelisk (also described as a pyramid) designed by Paul Revere that was displayed on Boston Common and illuminated by lamps. 这座四面建筑装饰着象征性的人物, 爱国主义诗歌, 和报价, 并配备了黄昏时燃放的烟花. Intended to be displayed afterwards beneath the nearby Liberty Tree—the gathering place for demonstrations against the "unpolitic" Stamp Act—the obelisk/pyramid was left illuminated but unattended and "took Fire" during the night. Boston might have lost its monument, but celebrants in Hartford, Connecticut, lost their lives. A barrel of carelessly-handled gun powder there exploded, killing or gravely wounding militia men.

接下来的几个星期, each new issue of a Boston newspaper contained additional information about celebrations of repeal from more distant places, 或者是近在咫尺的新的庆祝活动. 国王的生日, 6月4日, was an especially festive anniversary and a Day of Public Thanksgiving was proclaimed for 24 July. These events culminated on the first anniversary of the Stamp Act riot (the well-organized and "orderly" 14 August 1765 riot, rather than the more violent 26 August riot) when the Sons of Liberty drank 14 toasts beneath "the Tree of Liberty,“一个纪念活动 会在未来几年重复吗. 随后的平静时期很短暂:议会废除了《og体育平台》, it simultaneously passed a Declaratory Bill that stated that its taxing power in America remained unchecked. 新的关税和税收(汤森法案)将于1767年生效.


猛烈抨击 are single sheets printed on one side that served as public announcements or advertisements from the beginning of printing in America through the early 20th century. 通常张贴或大声朗读, 轰炸是当时最流行的“广播”, 将时事新闻迅速带给公众,但往往也会很快消失. 马萨诸塞州历史学会收藏了10多本,000年猛烈抨击, an unusually large and valuable collection since the temporary use of broadsides made their survival particularly rare.

光荣的新闻 is an unusual broadside in that it was printed cooperatively for the benefit of the public by Richard and Samuel Draper, 本杰明·伊德斯和约翰·吉尔, 约翰·格林和约瑟夫·罗素, 还有托马斯和约翰·弗利特——他们都是有进取心、有竞争力的波士顿印刷商, 他们中的一些人根本不同情爱国运动. They advertised that the broadside was available from the offices of all the town newspapers without charge.



J. L. Bell's blog about the start of the American Revolution in Boston presents interesting historical analysis and "unabashed gossip" about the Stamp Act Crisis in Boston.

克拉伦斯·S·布里格姆. 保罗·里维尔的版画. 伍斯特市.:美国古物学会,1954年.

保罗·里维尔在他的方尖碑上雕刻的详细描述和插图在p. 21-25. 这个具有不同分页的条目可用.

The very rare Revere engraving of the obelisk is reproduced at the American Antiquarian Society's 美国科学院保罗·里维尔收藏网站.

多尔,Harbottle. 小哈尔伯特·多尔的注释报纸.

Resistance to the Stamp Act and the celebration of its repeal can be followed week-by-week through 1765 and 1766 in the online collection of 805 newspaper issues published between 1765 and 1776, 收集, 索引, 并由Harbottle Dorr注释, Jr.他是波士顿商人,也是自由之子的成员.

迈尔,波林. From Resistance to Revolution: Colonial Radicals and the Development of American Opposition to Britain, 1765-1776. 纽约:Alfred Knopf, 1974.

埃德蒙·摩根. 和海伦·M. 摩根. 印花税法案危机:革命的序幕. 教堂山:北卡罗来纳大学出版社,1953.

《og体育平台》. Ed. 埃德蒙·S. 摩根. 教堂山:北卡罗来纳大学出版社,1959.