12 September 1833
adams-john10 Neal Millikan Health and Illness Anti-Masonic Party

12. VI. Thursday.

Adams Charles F Gassett Henry Merrick Pliny Whitmarsh Seth Holbrook Dr. Amos

My emetic of yesterday was succeeded this morning by a table spoonful of Castor oil, mixed up with a teaspoonful of tincture of Rhubarb. This finished the first part of my remedial course of Physic: and the second commenced this Evening, with a small pill of Calomel, Opium and Ipecacuanha, each one grain which I am to take nightly for 8 or ten days— So directed by Dr Holbrook who was here this afternoon. I was up once last night and have been recruiting in Strength all this day: began again to write Charles came out from Boston and dined with us. Immediately after dinner Pliny Merrick, Henry Gassett and Seth Whitmarsh a Committee from the State Anti-masonic Convention which met yesterday at Boston 144came out and Mr Merrick presented to me three Resolutions of the Convention, the last of which was a unanimous nomination of me to be Governor of the Commonwealth for the ensuing year. I had done every thing in my power to prevent this, which is an exceedingly unwelcome movement to me; but it was placed upon grounds which left me no honourable option of declining. So I concluded on reflection. I promised the Committee to have my answer transmitted to them by ten O’Clock, to-morrow morning, and they took their leave— I sent my answer by Charles who returned this Evening to Boston. I accept the nomination, which casts me again upon the stormy ocean of political electioneering when I hoped and believed I was snug in the Port. If there be a fatality that pursues me, there is a Power above by whom it is guided— I cannot speak my forebodings but [symbols]