23 March 1841
adams-john10 Neal Millikan African Americans Slavery and Enslaved Persons
286 Washington Monday 23. March 1841.

23. V:30 Tuesday

Bogan John A Abbott

Chilly rain all the morning— I had a very bad night and feel as if my Constitution was breaking up. I received two days since a Letter from a Stranger advising me now to retire from the world, the only reason for my postponing which is that I cannot afford it. There is another which I should have much trouble to overcome, but which I would encounter— That is the vacuity of occupation, in which I could take an interest— More than 60 years of incessant active intercourse with the world has made political movement to me as much a necessary of life as atmospheric air— This is the weakness of my nature, which I have intellect enough left to perceive, but not energy to controul— And thus while a remnant of physical power is left me to write and speak, the world will retire from me before I shall retire from the world— Mr Bogan was here again this Morning to ask for his petition, which I had looked up, and had ready to give him. He asked if it could be presented at the extra Session of Congress— I said I could offer to present it; though I could not promise that the house would receive it. He desired me then to keep it, and I concluded to speak to the Secretary of the Treasury upon the whole subject of the employment of work men on the public buildings— But I was compelled to postpone my visits to the Departments of State and of the Treasury— Mr Abbott was here and I agreed with him to deliver a Lecture to-morrow evening, at Dr Laurie’s Church at 1/2 past 7—a tax that has become perfectly odious to me. He asked me if I should have any objection to their taking up a collection after the Lecture— I said no, provided it was understood that no part of it was to come to me— They want the money for contributions to their library— I went to the City Hall to enquire at the Registrar’s Office, for the registry of Drady Ann Whitlow a free mulatto woman who is living with us as Cook; but her name could not be found on the register— She has a mutilated certificate from Charles County Maryland, from which the name of the certifying clerk is torn off; and she is now liable to be taken up and sold every day of the year for want of papers. I went next to the Capitol, and enquired at the Office of the Secretary of the Senate for a Document written by Mr Leavitt and ordered by the Senate to be printed— Mr Leavitt had written to me requesting me to procure a copy, or copies of it for him— But it is not yet printed— At the Office of the Clerk of the House, I received two sheets of the journal drawing to the close of the Session— The sky cleared up towards evening and I walked round the President’s Square— The filing, assorting and answering my budget of Letters in arrear proceeds sluggishly absorbing precious time, and heaping Pelion upon Ossa for future struggles never to be successful— I received this Evening a long Letter from my Son, with much heraldry from a man named Grace, at the Havana—